Tuesday, December 11, 2018

How Barack Obama & Fellow Globalists Used Millennials To Hasten The Decline Of America... - DCWhispers.com

Image result for student loan debt bombHow Barack Obama & Fellow Globalists Used Millennials To Hasten The Decline Of America... - DCWhispers.com
"It’s a debt bomb of epic proportions—nearly 1.5 trillion dollars and climbing fast which has enslaved an entire generation of Americans. 
Add credit card and auto loan debt and the total amount of that debt is nearly doubled. 
And you know who initiated this apocalyptic debt trend? 
None other than Barack Obama. 
You think it was all some sad mistake by a well-meaning president gone bad? 
Think again…
The “Before Obama” and “After Obama” figures make clear how the millennials were targeted for what has to rank as one of the most damaging bait and switch frauds in human history. 
Feed them easy money for college courses that have no application in the real world, give them a near-worthless piece of paper at the end, and charge them tens or even hundreds of thousands of dollars for being victims of the scam.
Image result for student loan debt bomb
During the Obama years student loan debt increased by nearly 300%..."
Read all.

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