Thursday, December 13, 2018

How Much Blood Would Leftists Be Willing To Shed To Disarm Patriotic Americans?

How Much Blood Would Leftists Be Willing To Shed To Disarm Patriotic Americans?
"My question for (democrat) Congressman Eric Swalwell is pretty simple: “How many Americans would you murder to achieve your goal of disarming us?”
It’s a fair question.
Swalwell is the MSNBC stalwart who recently wrote an op-ed advocating that the government confiscate the guns ..
See the source image...But Rep. Swalwell would make these citizens felons, though these patriots are only a threat to criminals and aspiring tyrants.
Of course, he wants to make these patriots felons because they are a threat to criminals and aspiring tyrants. After all, that’s what leftist Democrats like him are.
Rep. Swalwell, some people are going to fight rather than cave in, so what’s the number of bodies you would be willing to pile up to win?
...So, you’re going to have to kill some people to do what you want, and I just want to know how many you’re prepared to off to achieve your goal.
...Remember Waco?
The raid on David Koresh’s compound was because his weird band of misfits allegedly had scary, outlawed guns.
That’s why Democrat Janet Reno initially decided to send in the troops.
The government got four of our ATF agents killed, then slaughtered the resisters, including women and kids..."
Read on.

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