Thursday, December 13, 2018

Students Can Now Retake Their Test if They Don’t Like Their Grade | Intellectual Takeout

Students Can Now Retake Their Test if They Don’t Like Their Grade | Intellectual Takeout:
We’ve all seen how participation trophies have overtaken the world of kid sports.
No longer is there one prize; instead, there are multiple awards for everything from first to tenth place.
...the testing retake syndrome is not limited to large, make-it-or-break it tests; instead, it is infiltrating almost every quiz that students sit for in hopes that students will better learn their lessons:
“Proponents of retakes believe they allow students who struggle with test-taking another chance to master the material, and say retakes help with overall retention.
Others point out that just because it takes some students longer to grasp a concept, it doesn’t mean they are less intelligent. 
Still others say retakes reduce stress and pressure on already anxious students..."
Read on.

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