Thursday, January 31, 2019

The Left Is Shunning Liberals With Concerns About Transgender Agenda | The Heritage Foundation

The Left Is Shunning Liberals With Concerns About Transgender Agenda | The Heritage Foundation:

Image result for flickr commons images gender signs“Gender identity” refers to an individual’s inner sense of being a man or a woman or both or neither. It exists along a spectrum and can be fluid. It’s entirely arbitrary and self-disclosed. And rather incoherent, as it’s not at all clear what it means to “feel like” a woman, or how I would know if I felt like one, or why my feeling like a woman (whatever that means) would make me a woman.
As a result, if “gender identity” becomes a protected class in federal civil rights law, as Pelosi’s Equality Act would result in, there will be serious negative consequences. That’s where we agree. And that’s where we can work together.

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