Tuesday, January 22, 2019

We’re well past the point of urging the press to do better. Something is seriously wrong

We’re well past the point of urging the press to do better. Something is seriously wrong

  • The news media in the United States is horribly, perhaps irrevocably, broken.

"In the past 72 hours, there have been two major, all-consuming news cycles based on either inaccurate or outright false allegations.
Equally distressing as the fact that the press promoted these stories, despite obvious red flags, is that some reporters continue to cling to the original bogus narratives. 
Because when it comes to accusations leveled against President Trump and conservatives, many in the nation’s largest and most powerful newsrooms are less arbiters of the truth and more active participants in the toxic, hyperpartisan culture wars.
...If there’s one takeaway from this weekend of clown-shoe news reporting, it’s that a disproportionate number of reporters care more about sticking it to the Right than they care about facts. 
The press has long been an unabashedly political machine, its many members leaning hard to the Left.
But this weekend signals that the national news media have gone far beyond politics. 
It's straight-up culture war now in our leading newsrooms, much of it catering to the lowest, meanest partisans.
Don't expect the reporting to get better.
So long as this industry continues its downward spiral into the supremely political, with reporters chasing blindly after wins for their respective teams, the reporting is only going to get worse. 
Much worse."

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