Thursday, February 21, 2019

Giant List Of MSM-FueledHate-Crime Hoaxes Meant To Frame Trump Supporters | Zero Hedge

Giant List Of MSM-FueledHate-Crime Hoaxes Meant To Frame Trump Supporters | Zero Hedge
See the source imageProfile picture for user Tyler Durden
 Tyler Durden

"As Brian Stelter and CNN work overtime to pretend that the MSM didn't uncritically promote Jussie Smollett's absurd "hate crime" story in a giddy rush to frame Trump supporters as violent, journalist and photographer Andy Ngo has pushed back.
In a running thread of hate-crime hoaxes that the MSM either uncritically reported - or gave little attention to once the truth came out, Ngo lists hoax after hoax designed to smear conservatives. 
Click on the first tweet and go from there, or keep scrolling: 
Right after Donald Trump’s election, the SPLC really stoked panic. A pro-gay Episcopal church in Indiana was vandalized w/“Heil Trump,” a swastika, & an anti-gay slur. Turns out it was the gay organ player who did it. He was only charged w/a misdemeanor. 
Days after the Pittsburgh massacre, Trump supporters were blamed for Nazi vandalism at a Brooklyn synagogue & fires in a Jewish community. Turns out the perpetrator was a gay black man who had worked with city council on an initiative to fight hate crimes. 
....Read all!! 

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