Thursday, March 21, 2019

One School's Undress Rehearsal for the Equality Act

One School's Undress Rehearsal for the Equality Act:

Image result for flickr commons images Girls School Locker RoomIt's ironic, then, Shaw writes, that the district is so particular about its dress code. "Female students cannot wear skin-tight clothing, yoga pants, spandex, tights, form-fitting blouses, or short tops that expose a bare midriff, short dresses or skirts, shorts... Yet the school does not find it objectionable to permit a female-attracted male student to view girls while they are undressed or for the girls to see the male student's genitals outlined in [girls] underwear." The whole point of having separate bathroom and locker rooms, she goes on, is "to provide an area for individuals to dress and undress outside of the presence of somebody of the opposite sex. Opening up restroom and locker room facilities to members of the opposite sex is sexual harassment."
Unfortunately, congressional Democrats don't see it that way.

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