Friday, April 26, 2019

Teen girls worried that they are "dumb and boring" if they are straight as rates of trans kids skyrocket | The Bridgehead

See the source imageTeen girls worried that they are "dumb and boring" if they are straight as rates of trans kids skyrocket | The Bridgehead
"Earlier this week, the Daily Mail published a nauseating and stunning op-ed by a mother who is speaking out about what is going on at schools in the United Kingdom. 
...No longer are the conversations with her 13-year-old daughter Bella (also a pseudonym) about school sports, studies, and social life. 
Now, says Glover, tales from school generally involve “dizzying stories of gender fluidity and sexual politics”:
There’s the on-going saga of Bella’s friend Jessica, who came out last year after she started dating Alexandra in another Year 9 class. Only Alexandra has since decided she’s now transgender and is living as a boy called Alex — who must only be referred to as ‘he’ — despite being a pupil at an all-girls school...

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