Saturday, May 18, 2019

Canadian Government Imposes 'Social Justice' on All Universities | News and Politics

Image result for all about moneyCanadian Government Imposes 'Social Justice' on All Universities | News and Politics
"The Liberal government of Canada has formulated a new program to which all universities are expected to commit.
It is called “Dimensions: Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion.”
...What is this “equity, diversity, and inclusion” in aid of?
...What is new here is the means by which these results would be allegedly brought about: “through increased equity, diversity and inclusion.”
...What does “equity, diversity, and inclusion” mean in practice?
It means that certain categories of people must favoured in academic competitions, while unfavoured categories of people must be excluded.
The favoured must be put up for grants, or else the grants would not be forthcoming; conversely, unfavoured categories of people must be excluded from the competition, or else the grants would not be forthcoming.
How are favoured and unfavoured categories of people decided?..."
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