Friday, May 31, 2019

Coffee cup ban: Boston Tea Party's sales fall by 250k - BBC News

Boston Tea PartyCoffee cup ban: Boston Tea Party's sales fall by 250k - BBC News
"An independent coffee chain said it has seen sales fall by £250,000 since it banned single use cups last summer.
...Owner Sam Roberts said it had factored the loss in takings into its plans and that too many operators were "putting their profits before the planet".
...The chain, which has 22 branches around England and is based in Bristol, started the ban in June 2018.
Customers must bring a reusable cup, drink in or pay a deposit on a cup they can return to any branch.

  • How has it affected the business?

Boston Tea Party usually sells £1m in takeaway coffees per year but it is down 25%..."
Read on.

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