Monday, May 20, 2019

Proud terrorist walks free-----Park City student admits to releasing pepper spray before Turning Point club event |

Park City student admits to releasing pepper spray before Turning Point club event |
Image result for shutting down free speech"A Park City High School senior facing 18 criminal charges admitted to releasing pepper spray in the school’s lecture hall last month to prevent a conservative school club from hosting an event.
The 18-year-old student on Friday admitted in 3rd District Juvenile Court to criminal mischief, a third-degree felony, as well as two counts of assault and one count of disrupting a meeting, all class B misdemeanors. 
Judge Elizabeth Knight dismissed the remaining 14 charges. 
The Park Record is not naming the student because he was a minor at the time of the incident.
...The teen admitted during the hearing that he released the spray in the lecture hall “with the intention to disrupt a meeting.”
“I didn’t feel as though it was a very safe thing for a lot of our students to really have in our school, so I decided I wanted to disrupt it,” he said during the hearing..."
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