Sunday, May 19, 2019

Read the comments!-----Scientists Skeptical of Anthropogenic Global Warming

Scientists Skeptical of Anthropogenic Global Warming--Jason Mamford shared a post.
"Most sources ignore the carbon in limestone completely. I want to know of any estimates that you know of, in gigatonnes."
OK I need help here. 
Please tell me the amount of carbon in limestone (in gigatonnes), and where you got that information from. 
This is very important because many people are worried about the amount of CO2 absorbed by the ocean, and claim that will cause "ocean acidification".
The IPCC and NASA simply ignore limestone completely.
It is my contention that over 99% of Carbon is contained in limestone and sediments at the bottom of the sea. It got there by sea creatures dying and their shells falling to the bottom of the sea. 
Those creatures got the carbon from dissolved CO2 from the air.
I am beginning to think there is a conspiracy to ignore limestone. 
They call it "Earth's crust" or "sedimentary rocks" but mostly ignore it completely.

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