Thursday, May 16, 2019

United Flight 93 phone calls to loved ones revealed in new Mitchell Zuckoff book | Daily Mail Online

United 93 passenger Jeremy Glick and his wife Lyz. Jeremy rang Lyz and told her passengers would try to fight back against the hijackersUnited Flight 93 phone calls to loved ones revealed in new Mitchell Zuckoff book | Daily Mail Online
'You're strong, you're brave, you need to do it': That was the heartbreaking advice from a wife whose husband phoned her mid-air with a plan to take down his 9/11 hijackers. 
What happened next, as told in a new book, is an awesome tale of courage
  • United Flight 93 was hijacked by terrorists on 9/11, but never hit its target of Capitol Hill in Washington DC  
  • Passengers on the flight attempted to take the plane back from the four hijackers by breaking into the cockpit
  • The plane crashed in Shankville, Pennsylvania, killing 33 passengers, seven crew and four hijackers on board
  • Mitchell Zuckoff's new book Fall And Rise: The Story Of 9/11 recounts what happened on board the flight 
  • Details of emotional phone calls made from people on the flight to their loved ones are in Zuckoff's new book

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