Saturday, May 18, 2019


Instapundit Blog Archive YOU DON’T SAY:
Many Democrats Exaggerated Mental Distress After 2016 Election.
See the source image“Our research suggests that for many Democrats, expressing mental distress after the election was a form of partisan cheerleading,” write researchers 
...This so-called “reverse” cheerleading occurs when a person misreports or exaggerates a condition publicly in order to show support for their affiliated group, or in this case, their political party.
...In other words, a person who might describe suffering psychological distress on social media or to their friends, but doesn’t search for any type of help or relief, is more likely showing a form of reverse cheerleading.
It’s minor neuroticism dressed up as severe neuroticism, which is the lamest kind of virtue-signaling.---Posted by Stephen Green"
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