Sunday, June 16, 2019

Social networks unite to suppress conservatives, boost left-wing fantasies

See the source imageSocial networks unite to suppress conservatives, boost left-wing fantasies
WASHINGTON. The late publisher of the Washington Post, Katharine Graham, once said, “News is what someone wants to suppress. Everything else is advertising.”
No one knows the truth of this observation better today than the dwindling number of conservatives still clinging by their fingernails onto their social media accounts.
In an increasingly blatant move toward outright censorship, America’s key social networks are uniting to suppress conservatives and boost their cherished left-wing fantasies.
The latest victim of this SJW-led, Marxist-style suppression and de-platforming campaign led by the major social networking sites?
None other than James O’Keefe of Project Veritas. 
O’Keefe’s usual modus operandi?
He exposes the dark hearts of those comfortable, left-wing champions of mainstream culture through the clever deployment of undercover video cameras and concealed microphones.
O’Keefe’s latest offense involves uncovering internal documents detailing Pinterest’s flagging of conservative commentator and observant Jew Ben Shapiro as a “white supremacist.”
The social media site also designated the pro-life website run by LiveAction as pornographic.
For exposing the biased inner workings of a social media giant, O’Keefe found himself banned from Twitter for violating the offensive Pinterest’s “privacy.”
This latest conservative banning, of course, is part of an ongoing attempt by the wealthy owners of social networks to preserve their self-appointed position as collective defenders of the truth.
As they define it. 

Something our dying legacy media failed to do in defense of their long-vanished acceptance as gatekeepers of our information flow..."

Read all!

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