Wednesday, July 31, 2019

SEPTEMBER 13, 2016-----For Decades, Liberals Have Shamelessly Called Republicans Racists

For Decades, Liberals Have Shamelessly Called Republicans Racists
"Hillary Clinton’s recent attack on Trump voters -- calling them “deplorables” and accusing the GOP nominee of building “his campaign largely on prejudice and paranoia and giving a national platform to hateful views and voices” -- isn’t rooted in reality. 
It’s just another instance of liberals labeling Republicans as racists.
Something they’ve been doing effectively for decades.
...As result of this racist labeling, conservatives have lost their moral authority, and their voices have been stifled in the public square.
This chilling effect has been exacerbated during the Obama presidency, as people have been afraid to criticize a black president because they don’t want to be called a racist.
...Buckley Vs. Vidal: The Labeling Agenda
To help you see how this labeling by the Left has been transforming political discourse and altering the perception of conservatism in the minds of Americans, I’d like to go back to 1968 to give you a snapshot of labeling and to apply it to the bigger picture.
In 1968, a debate occurred at the Republican National Convention between conservative William Buckley and liberal Gore Vidal. 
The environment surrounding the convention and the debate was fraught with racial strife. 
Conflicts between police and blacks had Democrats accusing Republicans of racism, fascism, and neo-Nazism. 
Slanderous, malicious rhetoric was heavy in public dialogue.
Sound familiar? 
While the degree of conflict changes, the essence of it doesn’t. 
Neither do the alarmist and exaggerated depictions of racism on the Right. 
This was evident to Buckley when, just before the debate began, ABC put on the screen images of “police brutality,” creating the impression that there was a “police state” in Chicago run by racist Republicans.

Much here, read/view all!

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