Sunday, July 28, 2019

We Have Already Entered The Sixth And Final Era Of Our Universe

We Have Already Entered The Sixth And Final Era Of Our Universe
"In the end, only black dwarf stars and isolated masses too small to ignite nuclear fusion will remain, sparsely populated and disconnected from one another in this empty, ever-expanding cosmos.
...This last era, of dark energy domination, has already begun. 
...The Universe may have six unique stages, but for the entirety of Earth's history, we've already been in the final one.
Take a good look at the Universe around us.
It will never be this rich — or this easy to access — ever again..."
Read all.A visual history of the expanding Universe includes the hot, dense state known as the Big Bang and the growth and formation of structure subsequently. The full suite of data, including the observations of the light elements and the cosmic microwave background, leaves only the Big Bang as a valid explanation for all we see. As the Universe expands, it also cools, enabling ions, neutral atoms, and eventually molecules, gas clouds, stars, and finally galaxies to form.

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