Saturday, September 14, 2019

California stops disruptive students from being suspended

California stops disruptive students from being suspended
"Can’t see how this could possibly end in a steaming pile of disaster, can you? 
See the source imageCalifornia Governor Gavin Newsom has been busy signing a pile of new, intrusive bills into law lately. 
Not satisfied with trying to destroy the business models of the gig economy, Newsom is going to straighten out the teachers who have been having trouble with disruptive students. 
In the majority of cases, they will be banned from suspending them from school. (Sacramento Bee)
It is will soon be illegal in California for both public and charter schools to suspend disruptive students from kindergarten through eighth grade
Gov. Gavin Newsom on Monday signed into law Senate Bill 419, which permanently prohibits willful defiance suspensions in grades four and five. It also bans such suspensions in grades six through eight for five years. The law goes into effect July 1, 2020.
A previous law had already banned schools from suspending defiant kids through third grade.
Read all.

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