Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Climate change won't be stopped with fear (or hypocrisy)

Climate change won't be stopped with fear (or hypocrisy)
"Opinion: The years-long fear campaign over climate change hasn't worked. So, why do we keep ramping up the panic?
Every week, the prophecies become more frightful.

  • “As Earth faces climate catastrophe, US set to open nearly 200 power plants,” a USA Today headline warns.
  • In the UK, The Guardian proclaims, “World 'gravely' unprepared for effects of climate crisis.” 
  • For the New Yorker, it’s already too late: “What if We Stopped Pretending the Climate Apocalypse Can Be Stopped?”

...Throughout our lives, eco-fearmongering has been a constant.
My first-grade teacher handed out maps showing how a pollution-caused ice age would soon cover our Chicago suburb with a glacier. 
Mom eased the panic with a reminder we were moving to Phoenix that summer.
After that, acid rain was going to kill us, then the ozone hole, then global warming, then “global weirding,” and now, climate change.
Granted, the climate has always changed, but progressives think it started about a century ago..."
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