Saturday, September 14, 2019

Judicial Watch: Rosenstein plotted Trump coup - WND

Judicial Watch: Rosenstein plotted Trump coup - WND:
Image result for wikicommons images Rod Rosenstein
Newly obtained Justice Department documents confirm top officials, led by Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein, attempted a coup of President Trump, according to Washington watchdog Judicial Watch.
Judicial Watch obtained 14 pages of records that show how officials orchestrated a response to a Sept. 21, 2018, New York Times report regarding discussions within the FBI and Justice Department about removing the president by invoking the 25th Amendment.


Anonymous said...

Does anybody believe that the attempted coup will be punished in any meaningful way by what we consider legal process?

Subotai Bahadur

Jim Riley said...

Subo, no.
It will stand.
And used again.
We are doomed.