Tuesday, November 26, 2019

"Exposing the panic behind today's climate panic"-----Air-Climate-Energy

Air-Climate-Energy--Howard Brady shared a link.
"Climategate is one of the most misunderstood scientific scandals in history. 
This is not exactly surprising. 
What transpired and its ramifications require several steps of thought to understand, not lending itself easily to a simple one or two beat explanation.
This simple animation shows how the lines on the 'Hide the Decline' graph were transposed from their original studies, before ultimately being manhandled.
All done in order to give that false narrative of unprecedented rising temperatures in modern times.
This animation is part of a developing series exposing the panic behind today's climate panic, called Dante's Climate Inferno.
The style of this series is simple, but effective, supporting a narrative that has been expertly prepared and weaved together to cut straight to the heart of the climate debate, past all the fuzzy and emotional talking points that now characterise it..."
Read all, more videos and graphs!

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