Sunday, December 29, 2019

An Unlimited Supply Of Borrowed Cash Is Destroying Higher Education

An Unlimited Supply Of Borrowed Cash Is Destroying Higher Education:
  • Both of us grew up poor. College was our way out of poverty. Now, we see too many young people locked into poverty by a college education.
“You have to go to college” was an article of faith when we were growing up in poor families. 
See the source imageNow we wonder if our ticket out of poverty still has the same value. 
Far too many of this generation are leaving college with substantial debt and few meaningful job opportunities.
...The problem has become so overwhelming that politicians are talking about “free” college and “forgiving” college debt. 
It sounds good. 
The truth is that these proposals are a disaster in the making because they ignore the root cause of out-of-control costs of higher education.

  • Colleges Employ Needless Administrators...
  • Higher Education Institutions Keep Increasing Their Debt...
  • Colleges Stopped Caring About Education...
...According to the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, “For every new dollar of federal student aid, tuition is raised by 65 cents.”
...If student debt is forgiven and college is made “free,” there will be even less reason to stop spending. 
We, the people who pay, must demand that universities and politicians focus on education."
Read all.

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