Saturday, December 28, 2019

Trump Is Impeached—Period. Speaker Pelosi, Let Senate Do Its Work | The Heritage Foundation

Trump Is Impeached—Period. Speaker Pelosi, Let Senate Do Its Work | The Heritage Foundation:

Image result for flickr commons images u.s. constitutionThe Constitution’s impeachment process has two steps: Article 1 section 2, gives the House of Representatives the “sole power of impeachment” and section 3 gives the Senate the “sole power to try all impeachments.” The House did its part on Dec. 18, adopting two articles of impeachment. All that’s left is for the House to appoint a few members to act as the prosecutors and, as the Senate’s trial rules put it, notify the Senate that these impeachment “managers” are “directed to carry articles of impeachment to the Senate.”
If this sounds a little familiar, it’s not really different from the indictment and trial you might have watched on any episode of “Law & Order.” House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., however, appears to be making up a process of her own. She says she won’t appoint impeachment managers or send the articles to the Senate until the Senate agrees to conduct its trial the way she dictates.

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