Saturday, January 25, 2020

"...they don't call them "freak", they claim plant food did it...." Scientists Skeptical of Anthropogenic Global Warming

Scientists Skeptical of Anthropogenic Global Warming--Tom Robbins shared a link.
"50 Million people dead, 50 MILLION, in a global drought across three continents in 1870's - of course the New Scientist calls it a "freak" of nature... 
now when we have all too real and all too inevitable natural disasters, they don't call them "freak", they claim plant food did it.... 
...plant food at an extra 100 Parts per million does not cause hurricanes or make them worse.... 
it does not cause BUSH FIRES, mainly people and an arid/semi arid area do... but who cares about facts? 
Politicians love this, as they don't have to be blamed for greedy building without paying for needed clearing of extra fuel, and proper stewardship of the land we now live in."

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