Tuesday, February 18, 2020

"Arbitrary and capricious enforcement of law is functionally indistinguishable from lawlessness."--Michael Smith--Fans of Best of the Web Today

Image result for Roger Stone versus the case of Andrew McCabe.
Michael Smith--Fans of Best of the Web Today
"I'm sorry - I just can't shake the dichotomy that is the case of Roger Stone versus the case of Andrew McCabe.
There isn't a better example of the failure of American jurisprudence out there - and this is especially in focus because the two came side by side over a matter of hours this week.
McCabe gets paid to gloat on CNN while Stone faces what could be a life sentence.
It's offensive to reason and common sense. 
People may deny that they see it because they hate Stone and support McCabe - but claims that they can't understand the immateriality of Stone's "lies" and the consequential lies of McCabe are dishonest in the extreme.
This is how America ends.
I've noted that the law has value because we treat it that way. When we no longer value it, it is no longer law. 
Arbitrary and capricious enforcement of law is functionally indistinguishable from lawlessness."

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