Saturday, February 29, 2020

Don Surber: NYT panics over 2020 race

Don Surber: NYT panics over 2020 race
"Tom Friedman screamed out to his readers in the New York Times this morning in panic. 
He told them the Orange Man will win if we don't do something. 
We gotta do something. Now, now, now.
He sees the problem as a divided Democrat Party.
He is totally wrong, but his solution was so simplistic that it amused me. 
He said build a Team of Rivals, the phrase Gore Vidal used to describe Lincoln's cabinet.
...Friedman's prescription was to have the nominee (Mini Mike or Breadline Bernie) tell the nation, "I want people to know that if I am the Democratic nominee these will be my cabinet choices — my team of rivals. 
  • I want Amy Klobuchar as my vice president. Her decency, experience and moderation will be greatly appreciated across America and particularly in the Midwest."Translation: we need a woman to balance the ticket, and she is the least insane choice available.
  • Going further, the nominee would say, "I want Mike Bloomberg (or Bernie Sanders) as my secretary of the Treasury."Only in Friedmandonia would a capitalist CEO be interchangeable with a communist congressional lifer...
  • More!
...But this is a bad prescription for the wrong problem.
Democrats are united as never before
The debates and the recent assemblages of legislatures in New York state and Virginia have made that clear.
    Image result for democrat debates
  • They stand for:
  • Open borders
  • Gun confiscation
  • Infanticide
  • Reparations
  • Welshing on student loans
  • Wealth confiscation
  • Ending bail
  • Pooping in the streets
  • Banning automobiles
  • Banning plastic
None of those things appeals to most Americans. 
Combined they are a disaster for the party.
Read on!

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