Monday, April 27, 2020

Watch it and send to all you know!-----Environmentalism Looks in the Mirror | The Pipeline

Environmentalism Looks in the Mirror | The Pipeline
"For Earth Day this year, Michael Moore gave environmentalists a very special present
It’s a greenish movie version of Oscar Wilde’s novel, The Picture of Dorian Gray, in which a young environmentalist sells his soul to the devil in order to stay pure but becomes rich by getting capitalism to fund the replacement of fossil fuel energy with carbon-free renewables. 
He thinks he has tricked the devil. 
But when he sees his photograph on the brochure of the new Green Energy Mega-Corporation as its CEO, he is horrified to find that instead of the shining youthful purity of his original countenance, it depicts the corrupt features of a greedy, grasping old titan, deep in sin.
...Now, that’s my summary of Planet of the Humans
On another page Tom Finnerty has a more thorough and thoughtful account of its plot and message. 
So you probably think you don’t really need to see the movie. 
But Tom and I would advise you to do so all the same.
Read all AND watch the video!!

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