Tuesday, June 30, 2020

America, the evil?-----"I am hard-pressed to see what makes American-ness intrinsically better than, say, Liechtensteiner-ness, Canadian-ness, or Basotho-ness."--Fans of Best of the Web Today

Fans of Best of the Web Today--Michael Smith 
"Might as well get ready for the annual July 4th fireworks...no, not the ones in the sky, the usual flood of articles about how bad America is and why celebrating our freedom is some "ist" kind of bad.
I noticed some have posted the article how Mount Rushmore is really a celebration of white supremacy but the Salt Lake Tribune got a head start on Sunday with a gem headlined: "Being born someplace isn’t an accomplishment". It featured this wisdom:
"Beyond that, I’m not sure what “proud to be an American” even means. I don’t much care for its undeniable “We’re better than everyone else” ring. Try as I may, I am hard-pressed to see what makes American-ness intrinsically better than, say, Liechtensteiner-ness, Canadian-ness, or Basotho-ness. A human is a human, neither inferior nor superior, point of origin notwithstanding."
Like how one can count on falling leaves in Autumn, one can count on articles like this any time there is an opportunity to celebrate our nation."

I’m not trying to be difficult. I know you want a simple “yes” or “no,” what with the Fourth of July around the corner and all.

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