Sunday, August 02, 2020

History for August 2

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History for August 2 -
James Baldwin 1924, Carroll O'Connor 1924, Peter O'Toole 1932
Image result for james baldwin quotesImage result for Carroll O'Connor youngImage result for Peter O'Toole

Wes Craven 1939, Lance Ito 1950, Victoria Jackson 1959 - Actress, comdian
Image result for Wes Craven MoviesImage result for Lance ItoImage result for Victoria Jackson quotes

1939 - Albert Einstein signed a letter to President Roosevelt urging the U.S. to have an atomic weapons research program.
Image result for Albert Einstein signed a letter to President Roosevelt urging the U.S. to have an atomic weapons research program.

1983 - U.S. House of Representatives approved a law that designated the third Monday of January would be a federal holiday in honor of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. The law was signed by President Reagan on November 2.
Image result for Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. The law was signed by President Reagon

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