Monday, August 31, 2020

Media Didn't Report What It's Really Like In Kenosha, Wisconsin, So I Will

Evita DuffyMedia Didn't Report What It's Really Like In Kenosha, Wisconsin, So I Will:
  • The scene on Tuesday night was something I had only seen in photos of war-torn countries. Men and women stood with baseball bats, hand-guns, semi-automatic rifles, and shotguns in front of their businesses and homes.
"...Kenosha became a very different place after police shot Jacob Blake in the back seven times. 
...Fire and looting consumed uptown and downtown Kenosha, and Steil said the city was no longer the “Kenosha we know.”
In uptown Kenosha, on Tuesday night, a woman, who said she has lived in Kenosha for more than 40 years, broke down in tears, saying her city felt like a “war zone” and she was “terrified.”
Indeed, the scene on Tuesday night was something I had only seen in photos of war-torn countries. 
Men and women stood with baseball bats, hand-guns, semi-automatic rifles, and shotguns in front of their businesses and homes. 
Many Kenoshans explained to me that law enforcement lacked the necessary numbers of officers to control the situation, forcing them to focus on defending public buildings, such as the courthouse, leaving citizens to fend for themselves...Many more videos here. Read all.

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