Tuesday, September 29, 2020

Much here, read it all!-----No, You Idiots. That’s Not How Taxes Work. – An Accountant’s Guide To Why You Are a Gullible Moron | Monster Hunter Nation

No, You Idiots. That’s Not How Taxes Work. – An Accountant’s Guide To Why You Are a Gullible Moron | Monster Hunter Nation
"...Second, “loopholes” is a term most often used by people who don’t understand accounting or tax law, to complain about how somebody else used the existing laws created by congress to pay less than what that person thinks is “fair.” 
Regular people have heard the bullshit term loopholes tossed around so much that they start to believe that it is some magical easy button that rich guys can just push that makes it so they don’t have to pay taxes.
They’re just laws. 
These “loopholes” exist because at some point in time congress (both democrat and republican both!) decided that they wanted to promote some type of behavior or discourage some other behavior. 
So they basically put a reward into the law saying if you do this thing we like, you’ll pay less taxes! 
Or the opposite, congress wanted to discourage some behavior, so if you do that thing we don’t want, it will cost you more...Read all.

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