Monday, December 28, 2020

Racist!-----How the Centers for Disease Control Went Woke

How the Centers for Disease Control Went Woke
  • A look at the experts and the arguments that persuaded a government agency to prioritize 'equity' over saving lives
"In 2015, Dayna Bowen Matthew, the dean of George Washington University Law School, published a paper concerning racial disparities in health care. 
She traced those disparities back to the Founding Fathers and argued their persistence today reflects the "structural violence" of American society.
Matthew was 1 of 11 people who helped draft the Centers for Disease Control's ethical framework for allocating COVID-19 vaccines. 
She is also listed as a "health equity" consultant to the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices, which voted in November to vaccinate essential workers before the elderly, partly on the grounds that the elderly skew white—only to pull back Sunday in the face of outrage from across the political spectrum...Read all.

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