Wednesday, January 13, 2021

Gaslighting Last Summer's Riots and the Law Enforcement Response

Gaslighting Last Summer's Riots and the Law Enforcement Response
  • The notion that law enforcement routinely and violently cracked down on peaceful demonstrations, or even looting and rioting, is not consistent with the facts.
Last week, Joe Biden stated that if the rioters at the Capitol last week had been associated with Black Lives Matters, they would have been treated much more harshly
I heard a segment on NPR this morning with the same theme. 
The implication is that right-wing and white rioters get treated with kid gloves, while left-wing and minority rioters–and even peaceful protesters–face violent crackdowns. 
If you listened to this report, you would have no idea that there was any violence associated with last Summer's protests, much less that there was looting and rioting all over the country.]...Read all.

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