Monday, March 29, 2021

Just another hand in the "free-money" pot-----Breckenridge plans to require new events to incorporate sustainability, social equity and philanthropy |

Breckenridge plans to require new events to incorporate sustainability, social equity and philanthropy |
"Breckenridge (CO.) also planning to update its existing event ordinances and rules to require sustainability, social equity and philanthropic components.
...Mamula said going forward, any new event needs to have a “defined give-back provision,” like a portion of the admission ticket sales benefiting a local nonprofit.
Council member Erin Gigliello added that she would like to see sustainability and social equity components included in future events, as well. 
She noted that sustainability is already included as a standard for the issuance of an event permit, but social equity is not. 
Gigliello said she would like to ask the town’s Social Equity Advisory Commission how this element could be incorporated into the standards, but she said it could be incorporated into the event itself or in the values of the business promoting the event...Read all.

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