Friday, April 09, 2021

EVERYTHING is RACIST!!!-----Don’t Oppress My People With Your Acceptance And Compliments

Don’t Oppress My People With Your Acceptance And Compliments

"In the pages of the Guardian, an elaborate humblebrag, care of race-grifter Natalie Morris

"It’s often hard to articulate why something that sounds like a compliment can be so harmful. On the racism scale, being told that you’re beautiful is hardly the worst thing that can happen. But
just because something presents as a positive on the surface, doesn’t mean we shouldn’t dig deeper into the wider implications of this phenomenon."

Being found attractive is, we’re assured, terribly “problematic.” Though the aforementioned difficulties of articulating why will soon become apparent. We learn, for instance, that celebrities who are difficult to racially categorise are merely,

cherry-picking the elements of Blackness that suit their brand without any of the uncomfortable or disadvantageous implications of actually living as Black.

Quite what this magic “Blackness” might be is, alas, left to the imagination. ..Read all.

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