Tuesday, July 27, 2021

Must read!!!-----Bovard: The Coming "January 6" Train Wreck | ZeroHedge

Bovard: The Coming "January 6" Train Wreck | ZeroHedge
"The January 6 Capitol clash may be the gift that keeps on giving to cynics everywhere. 
In the coming months, Americans will likely see 
  • jaw-dropping bureaucratic debacles,
  •  stunning abuses by federal prosecutors, and 
  • appalling bloodlust by angry Biden supporters.
...The Justice Department declared last week, “The investigation and prosecution of the Capitol Breach will be the largest in American history, both in terms of the number of defendants prosecuted and the nature and volume of the evidence.” 
...Federal judge John Bates recently warned that evidence snafus could result in judges “going on the warpath.
...Federal cases against January 6 protestors are being built on what one savvy electronic evidence consultant called a “Tower of Babel nightmare.” 
While federal agents gloated at the 300,000 plus tips that poured into the FBI with regards to January 6 protestors, prosecutors are obliged to sift the hairballs and provide each defendant and their lawyers with potentially exculpatory evidence
The biggest data dump on record will likely spur a deluge of inadvertent or intentional withholding of evidence. 
The Justice Department recently notified defense lawyers that they would have to “build a system to receive the data” the feds delivered. 
The prosecution is also whining because a federal judge prevented them from relying on a private contractor to organize secret grand jury evidence....Read ALL

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