Monday, July 26, 2021

This is today!-----Covid Mania Returns Australia to Its Roots as a Nation of Prisoners - WSJ

Covid Mania Returns Australia to Its Roots as a Nation of Prisoners - WSJ

  • Citizens in Sydney may leave their homes only for ‘essential’ purposes and not go more than six miles.

"It’s hard to know exactly when Australia’s pandemic response crossed the line from tragedy into farce. But future historians could do worse than pinpoint the moment when Sydney’s chief health supremo told the city’s residents to stop being friendly to one another when they ventured out to buy essentials, lest they get themselves and others killed.
“Whilst it is in human nature to engage in conversation with others, to be friendly, unfortunately this is not the time to do that . . . don’t start up a conversation,” scolded Kerry Chant, the endlessly tut-tutting chief health officer of New South Wales, at a news conference last week. 
“We want to make sure as we go about our daily lives that we do not come into contact with anyone who could pose a risk.”...READ ALL!!

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