Saturday, August 28, 2021

Stephen Miller: here comes the Afghan refugee crisis - The Spectator World

Stephen Miller: here comes the Afghan refugee crisis - The Spectator World

"...‘There’s a big difference between people who are statutorily eligible for a narrowly-devised visa program by Congress and a generalized refugee resettlement, which is one hundred percent the path that we are now heading down,’ Miller warned me. The latter could have serious implications for the United States for decades to come.

If you attempted to remove every person from Afghanistan who has worked with and for the US government and their families, Miller said, ‘you’re looking at probably somewhere in the realm of a million people.’

‘I don’t know many people who think the United States can accept a million people on airplanes from Afghanistan into our communities, and there won’t be any second- or third-order effects of that,’ Miller said.

That number gets even higher when you add in individuals who did not help the US effort but are still facing threats or violence from the Taliban...Read all!

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