Friday, September 24, 2021

A sure path to despotism!-----Overwhelming majority of college students say shouting down a speaker is acceptable: survey | The College Fix

Overwhelming majority of college students say shouting down a speaker is acceptable: survey | The College Fix
"Sixty-six percent of college students think shouting down a speaker they disagree with is acceptable to shut down their talk, and another 23 percent believe violence can be used to cancel a speech, according to a wide-scale survey released this week.
The 2021 College Free Speech Rankings, a follow-up on the first survey in 2020, asked over 37,000 students at 159 top-ranked U.S. colleges and universities to share their views about free speech on campus.
...Not only do 66 percent of students say it is acceptable to shout down a speaker to prevent them from speaking on campus, that result is up four percentage points from last year...Read all.

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