Wednesday, September 22, 2021

When things REALLY go bad!-----Savage Struggle for Leningrad - Warfare History Network

Savage Struggle for Leningrad - Warfare History Network
"...Starvation was beginning to grip the citizens of Leningrad. 
The average daily death toll was 1,500, but on Christmas Day 1941 3,700 people starved to death. 
With the supply of bread completely inadequate to keep the population alive, people ate anything they could find. 
Some gnawed wood, dug up and ate tulip bulbs, or downed wallpaper paste. 
Dogs and cats disappeared. 
Soon cannibalism would become commonplace.
A woman recalled with horror seeing the partially eaten body of a young girl half hidden under an apartment stairwell. 
A city official admitted that Leningrad was a city “overrun with cannibals.”
...Adding to the citizenry’s misery was the fact that the city’s central heating system was shut down due to a lack of fuel...Read all.
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