Saturday, October 23, 2021

Democrats aim to make anyone who disagrees with them an enemy of the state

Democrats aim to make anyone who disagrees with them an enemy of the state
"Rep. Jerry Nadler (D-The Moon) made the Democratic position clear Thursday:
If you’re not with us, you’re terrorists.

...Nadler, a partisan loon who spent the past four years stirring up every conspiracy theory against President Trump, claimed there was a “broader pattern” here, including “the growing threats of violence against public servants.”
  • ...Don’t like teachers telling all white kids that they are oppressors just because of the color of their skin? You’re an insurrectionist. 
  • Think maybe we need to start lifting COVID restrictions because you’re vaccinated? You’re a white supremacist. 
  • Oppose Build Back Better? You’re an obstructionist, a fascist.
  • Don’t vote for Democrats? You’re an enemy of the state...Read all.

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