Sunday, November 28, 2021

United Nations Is Handing Out $800 Debit Cards to Illegal Migrant Families in Mexico Heading to US

United Nations Is Handing Out $800 Debit Cards to Illegal Migrant Families in Mexico Heading to US
"...Todd Bensman, a Fellow at the Center for Immigration Studies recently traveled to Mexico where he is reporting on the tens of thousands of illegal aliens heading to the open US Southern Border.
In Reynosa, Mexico, at a migrant camp, Bensman witnessed the United Nations IOM handing out free debit cards to aspiring US border crossers.
US taxpayers paid 22% of the UN budget in recent years...Read all!!
You can read more about this unbelievable program here.
In Reynosa, Mexico, at a migrant camp, the United Nations IOM helpfully doles out debit cards to aspiring US border crossers. The IOM workers said a migrant family of four gets about $800 a month. I watched long lines of migrants get their UN debit cards

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