Monday, January 17, 2022

This is not a parody. This is actually a Self magazine cover. Welcome to Woke America!

Facebook  Harriett Lublin
  • Mark M: This is not a parody. This is actually a Self magazine cover. Welcome to Woke America! It's all part of a campaign to tell us that fat is fit, math is racist, criminals are victims, and the homeless are homeless because of a lack of affordable housing.
  • Michael W: Up is down, black is white, in is out -- standard leftist bullshit.
  • Danny W: yep… when you don’t own the facts, seek ownership of the language. Another shining example of things not meaning what they actually mean. If you don’t like something , don’t use any effort to change it. Just redefine it.
  • Michael W: First, posit a counter-factual -- "fat is healthy" -- and then argue it as if it were true.
  • Dennis W: It's a typical attempt by leftists to demonstrate their moral superiority and gentle nature (both of which are delusions).

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