Tuesday, March 29, 2022

So much wrong here!!!-----Google billionaire Eric Schmidt has PAID the salaries of staff inside Biden's science office | Daily Mail Online

Google billionaire Eric Schmidt has PAID the salaries of staff inside Biden's science office | Daily Mail Online
"REVEALED: Google billionaire Eric Schmidt has PAID the salaries of staff inside Biden's science office and has been quietly lobbying on policy since the Obama administration
...Google's former CEO Eric Schmidt channeled money into the White House science office through his foundation, according to a report.
...Schmidt even indirectly paid the salaries of Office of Science and Technology-OTSP employees, according to Politico. Schmidt's charity arm, Schmidt Futures, paid the salaries of two science office employees while they worked as unpaid consultants
Former OTSP general counsel Rachel Wallace repeatedly raised concerns over Schmidt's influence, which she believes was the source of the wrath she faced from the OTSP's former head Eric Lander, above, who stepped down recently for bullying women in the office. Lander and Schmidt are close associates
...'It's telling that the downfall of the head of OSTP came not from the apparent ethics violations but from allegedly mistreating those who attempted to blow the whistle. 
The revolving door between government service and powerful private interests is one reason the American public’s trust in its government is at an all time low. 
  • But it looks as though, rather than reform, OSTP may have made it worse by creating a situation in which they replaced the revolving door with a breezeway, eliminating structural barriers between the two,' Michael Chamberlain, director at government ethics group Protect the People's Trust, told DailyMail.com.
Wallace said that the science office's efforts to arrange for Schmidt Futures to pay the salaries of Landers' staff prompted 'significant' ethics concerns, given that Schmidt's financial interests overlapped with the OTSP's responsibilities, according to internal emails shown to Politico...Read all!

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