Monday, May 23, 2022

After Shocking Monkey Business, Belgium First to Lock Down Over Monkeypox. Who's Next?

After Shocking Monkey Business, Belgium First to Lock Down Over Monkeypox. Who's Next?

"...Don’t look now, but there’s a monkey on our back.

Belgium is the first nation to force people into quarantine over monkeypox, conveniently just in time for the World Health Organization (WHO) meeting at which globalists intend to demand, and will possibly receive, the right to control every aspect of worldwide pandemic response, including censoring those who dare disagree with the unelected officials in charge.

Related: Another ‘Conspiracy Theory’ May Be About to Come True: The WHO Could Decide if You Get Medicine, When You Travel, and What You Write on Social Media

Look! Here’s a WHO bootlicker already sounding the alarm:

Two whole cases in the United States? We better euthanize grandma now and avoid the Christmas rush..."

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