Tuesday, January 24, 2023

US Federal Air Surgeon Susan Northrup should resign

US Federal Air Surgeon Susan Northrup should resign - Steve Kirsch
  • If she doesn't the FAA should fire her. She has put the lives of pilots, FAA employees, and the public at risk by her abject failure to investigate safety concerns associated with the COVID vaccines.
"...Failing to investigate numerous safety issues associated with the vaccine that were brought to her attention is inexcusable...
...Susan has not called any of these people to investigate. 
Nobody from the FAA has. 
That is a dereliction of duty...
Susan is aware of the evidence in plain sight that the vaccines are making people more likely to be infected
  • There is no possible way that a person in Susan’s position could not know about the Cleveland Clinic study which tracked over 51,000 healthcare workers of working age and found that the greater the number of shots, the greater the risk of COVID infection
In short, the shots are doing exactly the opposite of what the FAA thought they would do...

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