Friday, March 31, 2023

Michigan State warns against using words like 'Christmas tree,' 'America' because they might be offensive | KOMO

Michigan State warns against using words like 'Christmas tree,' 'America' because they might be offensive | KOMO
  • It's actually much worse than the headline.
  • Read everything they will FORCE on your child when you send them to this madrassa of madness

Terms to Avoid

· Avoid the term “female” as a noun for women. The pejorative term reduces women to their assumed biological anatomy.

· Avoid the term “nickname,” which implies that a person’s name is a substitute for their legal name.

· “Queer” is originally a pejorative. It is an umbrella term covering people who are not heterosexual or cisgender. Avoid using the term unless people or organizations use the term to identify themselves.

· “Sexual preference.” Use “sexual orientation.”

· “Homosexual.” Use “gay” or “lesbian.”

· “Hermaphrodite.” Use “intersex.”

· “Closeted.” Use “not out.”

· “Normal/norm to refer to people who are not transgender, gender fluid or nonbinary.

· “Sex change.” Use “gender transition.”

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