Friday, March 31, 2023

This will increase imported energy costs. EXACTLY their plan!-----Massive Saudi Investments in China Signal Epoch-Making Shift in Global Power - The Political Insider

Massive Saudi Investments in China Signal Epoch-Making Shift in Global Power - The Political Insider - By Dr. Derek Ellerman
"...Now don’t get me wrong, this country faces a laundry list of important issues.
  • Communists are trying to disarm the populace. 
  • Perverts are shaking dildos at toddlers in public. 
  • Inflation shows no signs of slowing. 
  • The country is in more debt than it could ever pay off. 
  • There’s an invasion at the southern border.
Yet, the most important changes are taking place on the global stage, and they’re going to have a direct negative impact on your life and this country.
Instead of the loudest clanging 5-alarm bells going off, most people don’t even know what’s happening.
  • Yesterday, I was greeted with the news that Saudi Arabia — formerly America’s most important satellite state on account of the oil— will make massive energy investments… with China.
The benefits America accrued from successfully getting the massive oil producer of Saudi Arabia on our side for the latter half of the 20th Century cannot be overstated.
  • Cheap energy is absolutely a requirement not just for national power, but to fuel prosperity for it’s people...
It’s what has allowed Americans our heretofore unrivaled prosperity. 
Our chicken in every pot, costing but a pittance.
  • If the Dollar is toppled as world reserve currency, that prosperity and that world we grew up in is gone in a flash.
It’s not just Saudi Arabia making moves...

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