Friday, July 06, 2012

Muskegon county commissioners continue "prevailing wage" even when it's not required.

Prevailing Wage

Any construction, remodeling or repair contract over $100,000 (or $2,000 if Federal funds are used)

requires the contractor to pay their employees prevailing wages as set forth in the Davis Bacon Act.

Additional reporting requirements must be met to ensure compliance with this provision.

This bid must comply with the prevailing wage rates for the MI Zone established by the MI State

Dept. of Labor & Economic Growth.
These rates can be obtained from the State of MI Dept. of

Labor & Economic Growth, PO Box 30004, Lansing, MI, 48909 or phone (517) 373-1820

Man blows off part of his genitals with fireworks near Traverse City

Man blows off part of his genitals with fireworks near Traverse City |
ACME TOWNSHIP MI — Authorities in northern Michigan confirmed that fireworks blew off part of a man’s genitals earlier this week.
Grand Traverse County fire personnel say a 45-year-old man was rushed to Munson Medical Center in Traverse City on Monday evening after a mortar shell exploded between his legs.

Obama Administration to Spend $20 Million on Green Energy Plan – For Africa

Obama Administration to Spend $20 Million on Green Energy Plan – For Africa |
The U.S. government is spending $20 million to “help clean energy projects in Africa get started.”
Those projects include wind farms and solar panels, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton announced at the recent Rio +20 Conference in Brazil.

IMF's Lagarde Voices Concern Over Global Economy

IMF's Lagarde Voices Concern Over Global Economy - Asia Business News - CNBC - CNBC
The head of the International Monetary Fund expressed concern on Friday at a deterioration in the global economy, saying the outlook has become more worrying as developed and big emerging nations show signs of slowing down.

Michigan group submits signatures to put '25 by 25' renewable energy mandate on ballot

Michigan group submits signatures to put '25 by 25' renewable energy mandate on ballot |
The proposal would amend the state constitution to require Michigan electric utilities to derive at least 25 percent of their energy from clean renewable sources by 2025.
It also calls for providers to limit rate increases to a maximum of 1 percent per year to meet the standard.

Nuclear Power on Rise Despite Fukushima Hysteria

Nuclear Power on Rise Despite Fukushima Hysteria | Heartlander Magazine
Sixty reactors are currently under construction around the world, with many more on order.
These countries’ governments have concluded nuclear must be part of their energy equation, and China sees it as the only way to reduce pollution from its aging coal-fired power plants.

Labor Force Participation Rate-Bureau of Labor Statistics Data

A measure of unemployment that includes discouraged workers ticked higher to 14.9 percent, its highest level since February, while the labor force participation rate stayed near a 30-year low at 63.8 percent.
Bureau of Labor Statistics Data: Labor Force Participation Rate

June Job Creation at 80,000; Rate Holds Steady at 8.2%

June Job Creation at 80,000; Rate Holds Steady at 8.2% - US Business News - CNBC
"What a disappointing number," said Jeff Savage, regional chief investment officer for Wells Fargo Private Bank.
 "This was kind of disastrous.
We're not even keeping up with demographics at this point.
This is not going to be liked in the markets."

Further those “Christian” Tomatoes

Roger’s Rules » Further those “Christian” Tomatoes:
....this translation of the Arabic script:
It is a sin to eat the tomato, because it is Christian and it praises the Cross instead of Allah, and bears witness to the fact that Allah is one third of the Trinity. God Forbid…. Swear by Allah that you will spread the news of this, because there is a Sister from Palestine who saw the Prophet Muhammad in a vision, and he called out a warning of death to those who eat of it.

Don’t say you weren’t warned!

Hey, remember how Obama admitted he eats dogs?

Hey, remember how Obama admitted he eats dogs? | The Daily Caller
Remember how he wrote about it in one of his various autobiographies?
And remember how he and his genius campaign staff then tried to turn dogs into a campaign issue? Which was really funny because he, y’know, eats dogs?
Well, the left still isn’t willing to let go of the whole “dog” issue. Fine by me:

click for video!

Obama Admin Gave $98.5 Million to Alternative Energy Company Now Going Belly-Up

Obama Admin Gave $98.5 Million to Alternative Energy Company Now Going Belly-Up
Nevada Geothermal Power (NGP) “has substantial debts and does not generate enough cash from its current operations after debt-service costs,” according to an internal audit seen by the Times.
“The company’s ability to continue as a going concern is dependent on its available cash and its ability to continue to raise funds to support corporate operations and the development of other properties,” NGP auditors said

Thursday, July 05, 2012

Arkansas Coach Facing Bankruptcy

Arkansas Coach Facing Bankruptcy -
FAYETTEVILLE, Ark. (AP) — John L. Smith always believed real estate development was the safest investment of all, saying "you may not make money, but you won't lose money."

Guidelines for candidate endorsement letters

Guidelines for candidate endorsement letters |

Kellogg Foundation, Muskegon community foundation join to promote healthy eating locally

Kellogg Foundation, Muskegon community foundation join to promote healthy eating locally |
“We want to build a better network of all of the great things that are bubbling up around our community,” Joy said of the local grants that will bolster and coordinate existing efforts.
“People are really beginning to care about healthy foods but we have not had any organized way to provide access and education.”
One of the longstanding issues in the downtown and urban neighborhoods of the city of Muskegon is access to a grocery store that provides fresh fruits and vegetables on a year-round basis.
Urban consumers can use the Muskegon Farmer’s Market but that is limited in the number of days it opens during the spring, summer and fall months.

NEA leader: Teachers need to become 'social justice patriots'

NEA leader: Teachers need to become 'social justice patriots' |
“I say we are social justice warriors, fighting to preserve the dignity of all those who work hard, pay their taxes, and simply want to send their kids to college and have a decent retirement,” he said.

Euro Crisis Breakthrough Breakdown - Nigel Farage

Liberals ignore Obama’s Guantantanamos

Liberals ignore Obama’s Guantanamos: The same people who excoriated Bush’s war on terror are letting Obama do as he pleases.
"Let me be clear: All you people who were playing the have-you-no-decency card under Bush, but who aren’t screaming just as loud now — which is pretty much all of you people who were playing the have-you-no-decency card under Bush — were and are miserable lying hacks.
 And I thank Obama for making that perfectly clear, at least."

Candidate warns absentee voters need information about primary now

I sent this letter (last week) to MCC President Nesbary, the Muskegon Chamber of Commerce and The Muskegon Chronicle.

My hope was they will host forums, debates or otherwise provide concise candidate information so the voters (myself included!) can make informed decisions during the time when absentee voters are sending their ballots.

While I appreciate The Chronicle posting my LTE, I have yet to hear of any voter information available from the movers and shakers at MCC, the Muskegon C of C or The Chronicle.

One of the main reasons Muskegon is "muskegon" is we have voted for "leaders" who have made bad policy and spending decisions.

We citizens need more information about candidates if we are to make informed, intelligent voting decisions.

EyeOnMuskegon will host a special show this Sunday at 8:30-10:00am (  on the candidates.

Hopefully more information will become available SOON from other Muskegon leadership centers.

Jim Riley

Letter: Candidate warns absentee voters need information about primary now |
I'm sending this out to all in hopes that all you movers and shakers can get needed voter information out to Muskegon County voters before the voters actually make their decisions.

Wednesday, July 04, 2012

Chestnut wins 6th straight hot dog title

Chestnut wins 6th straight hot dog title - Other sports- NBC Sports
The 28-year-old San Jose, Calif., man nicknamed "Jaws" scarfed down 68 hot dogs in 10 minutes

The Declaration of Independence Annotated

The Volokh Conspiracy » The Declaration of Independence Annotated
But to justify a revolution, it was not thought to be enough that officials of the government of England, the Parliament, or even the sovereign himself had violated the rights of the people.
No government is perfect; all governments violate rights.
This was well known.
So the Americans had to allege more than mere violations of rights.
They had to allege nothing short of a criminal conspiracy to violate their rights systematically.
Hence, the famous reference to “a long train of abuses and usurpations” and the list that follows.
In some cases, these specific complaints account for provisions eventually included in the Constitution and Bill of Rights.

NOAA Denies Existence of Mermaids

NOAA Denies Existence of Mermaids : Discovery News
The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), which usually deals with environmental matters like tsunamis and hurricanes, recently took the strange step of posting a statement on their website denying that mermaids exist.

In a post titled, “No Evidence of Aquatic Humanoids Has Ever Been Found,” NOAA notes that:
The belief in mermaids may have arisen at the very dawn of our species.
Magical female figures first appear in cave paintings in the late Paleolithic (Stone Age) period some 30,000 years ago, when modern humans gained dominion over the land and, presumably, began to sail the seas.
Half-human creatures, called chimeras, also abound in mythology — in addition to mermaids, there were wise centaurs, wild satyrs, and frightful minotaurs, to name but a few.
But are mermaids real?
No evidence of aquatic humanoids has ever been found."
Why would NOAA bother to pour cold water on mermaids?
After all, there are many mythical things that the government doesn’t explicitly deny exist.
The United States Bureau of Mines doesn’t issue statements clarifying that no dragons or trolls have been discovered in underground caves or mines, for example.

So why mermaids? And why now?

Tuesday, July 03, 2012

Snyder vetoes controversial voter ID, registration bills

Snyder vetoes controversial voter ID, registration bills | The Detroit News |
Gov. Rick Snyder on Tuesday vetoed three election law bills pushed by Republican legislators seeking to require a ballot box affirmation of citizenship, restrict voter registration drives and require photo ID for obtaining an absentee ballot.
Snyder said he vetoed the absentee ballot bill, House Bill 5061, because it would not let an absentee ballot count if the person did not affirm their citizenship by the close of the polls on an Election Day.
"I am concerned (the bill) could create voter confusion among absentee voters," Snyder wrote in a veto letter to legislators.

USDA combats 'mountain pride,' self-reliance to boost food stamp rolls

USDA combats 'mountain pride,' self-reliance to boost food stamp rolls | The Daily Caller
“Our common goal is to increase participation in the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program,” the United States Department of Agriculture explains on its “Outreach Toolkits” page. “

8,733,461: Workers on Federal 'Disability' Exceed Population of New York City

8,733,461: Workers on Federal 'Disability' Exceed Population of New York City |
There has been a dramatic shrinkage in the United States over the past 20 years in the number of workers actually employed and earning paychecks

Monday, July 02, 2012

The 3.8% Roberts Tax on Investment Income Kicks in on Jan. 1, 2013

TaxProf Blog: WSJ: The 3.8% Roberts Tax on Investment Income Kicks in on Jan. 1, 2013
Here are answers to some basic questions about the tax:
How does the 3.8% tax on investment income work?
How is "investment income" defined?
What are some examples of when the tax would and wouldn't apply?
How would the 3.8% tax apply to the sale of a principal residence?
What happens if a taxpayer has adjusted gross income above the threshold that is then reduced by a large itemized deduction—such as for medical expenses or a charitable gift?
Does the 3.8% tax apply to trusts and estates?
Doesn't the health-care law also have an extra payroll tax for higher earners?

Ottawa County Patriots-Politics of Racism

Meetings | Ottawa County Patriots
 !!!!!! POLITICS OF RACISM !!!!!
Place: Howard Miller Community Center / Library
14 S. Church St. Zeeland, MI 49464
Time: 7:00PM – 8:30PM Networking / refreshments follow meetings
All meetings are free and open to the public

Questions? Call 616-805-7270

Date Wed, July 11

Longer meeting 7:00 to 9:00 Be sure to arrive early

Town hall style meeting sure to be lively featuring:

Sunday, July 01, 2012

EyeOnMuskegon 7-1-2012 Randy Hekman

Tweak in a Pension Rule Could Finance Roads and Student Loans

Tweak in a Pension Rule Could Finance Roads and Student Loans -
But the highway bill that Congress is rushing to complete by Friday contains a measure that would let companies slow their pension contributions again.
Because the contributions are tax-deductible, permitting smaller contributions would mean that companies take fewer tax deductions — and as a result, create more federal revenue.
The provision is expected to increase corporate income tax receipts by $9.4 billion over the next 10 years, according to calculations issued Thursday by the Joint Committee on Taxation.

Connecticut man found dead at campsite during Electric Forest Festival

Connecticut man found dead at campsite during Electric Forest Festival |

Congress approves deadline for Asian carp report

Congress approves deadline for Asian carp report |
Congress has approved a measure requiring the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers to quicken development of a strategy for keeping the Great Lakes free of Asian carp.