Wednesday, October 29, 2014



A Man And His Minions

If we value our freedom and our future, we need to realize that the regime is working against the American people.  How else would you explain the actions of this man and his minions?  Every opportunity to create division among Americans is exploited.  There is an active attempt to create racial, social, economic, and political divisions. 

We’ve witnessed the racial division by way of fanning a make believe flame into an explosive and violent atmosphere. 

Proof of the coming apocalypse------Arizona Diamondbacks sell nearly 10,000 corn dogs at $25 apiece

Arizona Diamondbacks sell nearly 10,000 corn dogs at $25 apiece - ESPN:

"The Diamondbacks conservatively projected they would sell 500 D-Bat Dogs on the season.
Hall said the team sold 9,517 of them at $25 apiece.
"Everyone wanted it, including all the visiting broadcast teams," Hall said.
"We've had these 'wow' items for some time, and most of the time they don't stick.
This one caught fire.
It's going to be hard to top this one"
As the D-Bat got more popular, the Diamondbacks had to adjust.
"We didn't have enough room in our fryers," Hall said.
"We had to buy three new ones.
And we weren't the only ones scrambling.
The local company where we got the hot dogs from, we were running them ragged."
The Texas Rangers were the first team to sell a hot dog for at least $25."


"Ebola Nurse In Maine Says She Won’t Follow Home Quarantine Rules. 
Really setting an example there, honey.

Funny, the public health crowd loves telling others what to do, but doesn’t seem so big on following instructions itself. 
This does not inspire confidence, and will make it much harder to get ordinary Americans to comply with public health measures in the future.

Meanwhile, such behavior just strengthens the case for mandatory quarantines for everyone entering the country from Ebola areas. 
We obviously can’t trust their professionalism and willingness to engage in self-sacrifice — at least, unless they’re from Tennessee."

‘The Democratic Party Is Abusing Us’: These Men Have a Scathing Message for Obama and ‘Black Leadership’

‘The Democratic Party Is Abusing Us’: These Men Have a Scathing Message for Obama and ‘Black Leadership’ | Video |
"Mark Carter added: “They force us into a life of welfare. We don’t want no welfare! We want opportunities to go to work. We want opportunities to own businesses.”
Carter said the same people in Washington who “make sure we get nothing” somehow manage to get blacks to “turn around and have us vote for them again.”
“Most of these people are homeless, living in the street, and it’s because of you, Mr. President,” Joseph Watkins said."

Sears Holdings Says It's Shuttering More Michigan Kmart, Sears Stores

Sears Holdings Says It's Shuttering More Michigan Kmart, Sears Stores | Shelby-Utica, MI Patch
Four more Michigan Kmart and Sears stores, one of them in the Tri-County area, will close in January 2015, bringing to a dozen the number that will be closed in the state over a six-month period, the Detroit Free Press reports.
...The latest announced closings brings to 55 the number of Kmart stores operating in Michigan, where the chain has deep roots. 

What a Senior Obama Admin. Official Reportedly Called Netanyahu Signals Relations Are at a ‘Full-Blown Crisis’ |

What a Senior Obama Admin. Official Reportedly Called Netanyahu Signals Relations Are at a ‘Full-Blown Crisis’ |

"Over the years, senior Obama administration officials have called Netanyahu a number of names, according to Goldberg, who noted that he keeps a “running list.” He said those names include, “recalcitrant,” “myopic,” “reactionary,” “obtuse,” “blustering,” “pompous,” and “aspergery.”

This is how the administration behaves?  The Obama administration is an accumulation of bullies.  I'm beyond words. Wake up America!  If this is how he enjoys treating our friend, can you imagine what he has in store for America. 

I think there are a few words on that list that would easily describe the president.  He has shamed our nation.

Ummm, note the "race" of most of the "harassers"-----Woman catcalled, harassed at least 100 times in Michigan native Rob Bliss' latest viral video

Woman catcalled, harassed at least 100 times in Michigan native Rob Bliss' latest viral video |
NEW YORK CITY — West Michigan native Rob Bliss put on a backpack to experience a day's worth of catcalling in the city.
But it wasn't Bliss, well-known as the man behind Grand Rapids' lip dub, Zombie Walk and other eccentric ventures, who received the brunt of whistles and taunts. A camera concealed inside the bag captured a woman being catcalled at least 100 times during the course of 10 hours on the streets of New York, according to a nonprofit group working to end street harassment.
...Volunteer Shoshana Roberts, according to the group, Hollaback!, walked Manhattan wearing jeans and a T-shirt. Throughout her journey, men took notice and talked to Roberts. One man said, "Hello, beautiful."
Another leered, "Damn, girl!"
....The video was created by Bliss' agency, Rob Bliss Creative, for Hollaback!, which claims between 70 and 99 percent of women are harassed while walking down the street at some point during their lives.

School’s Nation of Islam Handout Paints Founding Fathers as Racists

School’s Nation of Islam Handout Paints Founding Fathers as Racists:

"The mother of an eight-year-old wants to know why a Tennessee school teacher gave her child a handout from the Nation of Islam that portrayed the presidents on Mount Rushmore as being racists.

Sommer Bauer tells me her son was given The Nation of Islam handout at Harold McCormick Elementary School in Elizabethton. The handout asked “What does it take to be on Mount Rushmore?“

Chicken Wings and Chips for Lunch at Sidwell Friends

The PJ Tatler » Chicken Wings and Chips for Lunch at Sidwell Friends
While Michelle Obama’s skimpy school lunch mandates have been widely rejected by students and schools, the elite private school attended by both Obama daughters will be serving chicken wings and potato chips on Wednesday.
....After Wednesday’s chicken wings, on Thursday Obama’s daughters can get a Cuban sandwich.  Pasco County Schools in Florida had to eliminate Cuban sandwiches because they violated Michelle Obama’s lunch standards.
...Next week, students at Sidwell Friends can enjoy Philly Cheese Steaks; and they will have meatball submarines the following week.  
Veterans Day is not a holiday at Sidwell Friends, and beef nachos are on the menu.  
Nachos, wings, chips and cheesesteaks – lunch fare most American kids can only dream about now.

Our little president is a narcissistic fool-----The Sayings of Barack Obama

Articles: The Sayings of Barack Obama

America may not be able to impeach Obama in the House but he has already impeached himself by having done what he likes to do so much: talk.
And it's not surprising then they get bitter, they cling to guns or religion or antipathy toward people who aren't like them or anti-immigrant sentiment or anti-trade sentiment as a way to explain their frustrations.
I’m no interested in the suburbs. Suburbs bore me.
Reading these two views together leads to the conclusion that Obama disdains rural America and suburban America leaving, basically, urban areas as his sole interest. That leaves him not caring about most of America. A president is supposed to represent all Americans not favored groups.
"I believe in American exceptionalism, just as I suspect that the Brits believe in British exceptionalism and the Greeks believe in Greek exceptionalism." 
Well he does seem himself as exceptional at least:
No wonder he finds a congenial playground in Hollywood.
“I think that I’m a better speechwriter than my speechwriters.I know more about policies on any particular issue than my policy directors. And I’ll tell you right now that I’m gonna think I’m a better political director than my political director.”
Yet somehow this brilliant man thinks they speak “Austrian” in Austria; there are57 states in America; Hawaii is in Asia; and he repeatedly makes legal mistakes -- despite being, as we were endlessly informed  the Harvard Law School Review president and a constitutional law professor (which he was not; he was a part-time lecturer, but facts do not matter when Obama is involved).
Read 'em all:

"Fat" is a slur? But being fat is OK?------Wal-Mart apologizes, takes down 'fat girl costumes' webpage found by customers

Wal-Mart apologizes, takes down 'fat girl costumes' webpage found by customers - Style -
“This never should have been on our site. It’s unacceptable and we apologize,” Ravi Jariwala, a spokesman for the retailer, told “As soon as we were notified about it this morning, our teams began immediately to remove it from our site and also to ensure it never happens again.”
joyfullysmitten via Twitter

Detroit Cops With Nothing Better to Do Kidnap Couple's Goats, Chickens

Detroit Cops With Nothing Better to Do Kidnap Couple's Goats, Chickens - Hit & Run :
One Detroit couple's chickens are not coming home to roost—because the cops confiscated them. Three goats were also taken prisoner by agents of the government.
The couple, David and Sky Brown, were running a small, unofficial farm on their property near Detroit's west side.
They possessed three baby goats and six chickens.The neighborhood is plagued by crime and arson, according to Motor City Muckraker's Steve Neavling
Nevertheless, animal control agents, as well as two city police officers, showed up to the Brown residence last week to take the animals. 
City regulations prohibit residents from having unrestrained farm animals unless they are in the care of a trained professional.

According to Neavling:
She told us she was taking all of our animals,” Sky told me. “I began to cry.”
The officers refused to let the couple move the animals to a safe place outside of the city, Sky said, so she begrudgingly obeyed orders to place her goats in crates in the back of a city truck as she sobbed.
“They are like our babies,” she told me, telling me their names – Idan, Raichel, and Sarai.
The officers rounded up the chickens with a net.

MUST SEE VIDEO!------Chicago Activists Unchained, Destroy Black Leadership

False School 'Cuts' Narrative Takes Another Hit

False School 'Cuts' Narrative Takes Another Hit [Michigan Capitol Confidential]:
"The CRC, which claims to be “the state’s oldest and regarded as the most respected public policy research organization,” added:
“While total state funding is up over $1 billion from FY2011 to FY2015, the increase is almost exclusively earmarked to satisfy school employee retirement costs, specifically legacy costs arising from the financial market downturn and state retirement system reforms.”
While there was an initial flurry of media outlets around the state uncritically repeating the budget cut claims, almost all have since reported that school funding has increased under Gov. Rick Snyder. "

You Look Too Calm. What Are You, a Terrorist? Now You Look Nervous, Terrorist

You Look Too Calm. What Are You, a Terrorist? Now You Look Nervous, Terrorist. - Hit & Run :
Look too calm, you're suspicious. Look too nervous, you're suspicious. These contradictory assumptions are just several transportation guidelines on "reporting suspicious activity," revealed by an American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request.
They comes from an employee document for Amtrak, which is publicly funded. 
These are signs that you should be paranoid of your fellow Americans, and call the police on them:
  • Evasive path through train station
  • Carrying little or no luggage
  • Last minute reservation
  • Traveling by an unusual itinerary (multi-changes in reservations)
  • Carrying unusually large amount of currency
  • Purchase of tickets in cash
  • Purchase tickets immediately prior to boarding
  • Unusual nervousness of traveler
  • Unusual calmness or straight ahead stare
  • Looking around while making telephone call(s)
  • Position among passengers disembarking (ahead of, or lagging behind passengers)

Released Ebola Nurse Worked For CDC | The Daily Caller

Released Ebola Nurse Worked For CDC | The Daily Caller:

"Hickox was released from Ebola quarantine in Newark, N.J., Monday afternoon after the White House pressured New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie to release the nurse that was working in Sierra Leone with Doctors Without Borders. Hickox’s case for release was also bolstered by New York civil rights attorney Norman Siegel, who took on Hickox’s case.

I feel like my basic human rights have been violated,” Hickox said before she was evaluated by CDC and transported back to her home "

Nope, the surprises never end.

Yesterday---Antares Rocket Explodes!

History for October 29

History for October 29 -
Fanny Brice 1891, Bill Mauldin 1921, Melba Moore 1945 

Richard Dreyfuss 1947, Kate Jackson 1948, Winona Ryder 1971 

1618 - Sir Walter Raleigh was beheaded under a sentence that had been brought against him 15 years earlier for conspiracy against King James I. 

1863 - The International Committee of the Red Cross was founded. 

1901 - Leon Czolgosz, the assassin of U.S. President McKinley, was electrocuted. 

1945 - The first ballpoint pens to be made commercially went on sale at Gimbels Department Store in New York at the price of $12.50 each. 

1969 - The U.S. Supreme Court ordered an immediate end to all school segregation. 

1974 - U.S. President Gerald Ford signed a new law forbidding discrimination in credit applications on the basis of sex or marital status 

1998 - The space shuttle Discovery blasted off with John Glenn on board. Glenn was 77 years old. In 1962 he became the first American to orbit the Earth.

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Andrew Tahmooressi’s Family Hopeful for His Release From Mexican Prison by Veterans Day |

Andrew Tahmooressi’s Family Hopeful for His Release From Mexican Prison by Veterans Day |

"His case has made significant progress over the last few weeks. Earlier this month, U.S. lawmakers said it was their impression that Mexico was moving toward a decision to release Tahmooressi, and was only seeking proof from the United States that he suffers from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. Mexico has said it cannot properly treat him for PTSD.

On Tuesday, Jill Tahmooressi said that Mexican prosecutors and the family’s lawyer have concluded a round of arguments on this issue, and are now awaiting a decision from the judge. It’s possible the judge could decide in a matter of days or weeks to release him."

Guess How Many Bibles Have Arrived at the Office of the Houston Mayor After She Subpoenaed Pastors’ Sermons | Video |

Guess How Many Bibles Have Arrived at the Office of the Houston Mayor After She Subpoenaed Pastors’ Sermons | Video |

"Houston Mayor Annise Parker has received a flood of Bibles — somewhere between 500 and 1,000 according to a spokesman for the mayor’s office — after the city subpoenaed the church sermons of five local faith leaders opposed to the Houston Equal Rights Ordinance, which the mayor signed in May."

Hillary Clinton Recently Said, ‘Don’t Let Anybody Tell You’ That Businesses Create Jobs. Guess What She’s Saying After the Backlash. | Video |

Hillary Clinton Recently Said, ‘Don’t Let Anybody Tell You’ That Businesses Create Jobs. Guess What She’s Saying After the Backlash. | Video |

"Hillary Clinton recently told supporters at a campaign rally, “Don’t let anybody tell you that… it’s corporations and businesses that create jobs.”

Predictably, the remarks sparked a good amount of backlash from Americans across the country who strongly disagreed with her assessment. On Monday, Clinton attempted to distance herself from her own comments."

Another sorority cancels a fundraiser because it somehow offends a few people

Another sorority cancels a fundraiser because it somehow offends a few people:
The Kappa Kappa Gamma sorority, which has held Jail ‘N Bail in previous years, and Zeta Beta Tau fraternity canceled the event to benefit Reading is Fundamental, a “children’s literacy nonprofit,” after some people complained it was “insensitive,” the Daily Northwesterner reported.
Judging by the paper’s attributions, that would be four people:
“You’re employing aspects, the orange jumpsuits, of an oppressive system that operates as a massive encumbrance to the lives and literacy rates of black and brown children in these ‘underprivileged’ areas,” Weinberg sophomore Alejandro Banuelos wrote in a comment.
“All of them should be ashamed,” SESP junior Maria Marquez wrote in a public Facebook post about the event.
In a letter to the editor published Sunday night in The Daily, Weinberg sophomore Ajay Nadigsaid the event idea was offensive on both racial and socioeconomic grounds. [The letter claims that "racism and classism" are "ubiquitous" at Northwestern and Greek life is an "economic overclass" that is "overwhelmingly white."]
Austin Romero, Associated Student Government vice president for diversity and inclusion, brought students’ concerns about the event to the organizers’ attention Sunday night.
The comments on the article are just as snarky as you would expect them to be.
Read 'em:

“permissionless innovation”----Four innovation buzzwords you need to know

Four innovation buzzwords you need to know - The Washington Post
4. Permissionless innovation
.... government policymakers and bureaucratic regulators don’t always share that approach. 
Their first instinct is usually to view any new technology – drones, driverless cars, de-extinction – as something potentially posing a real risk to society. 
Technology, they say, needs to be regulated and controlled in order to prevent things from spiraling out of control.
So along came a new term – “permissionless innovation” – to describe the policy approach favored by the digital elite. 
The word means exactly what it sounds like it should mean: 
Innovators shouldn’t have to ask permission before they bring a new technology into the world. 
Instead, the burden of proof should be on regulators – they should be forced to show that there is a real and immediate threat to society posed by the technology. 
In the absence of such proof, the innovation should be allowed to flourish. 

Remember, most of what we hear/see/read from the MSM is politically motivated propaganda, not fact--------The Truth About Mass Public Shootings

The Truth About Mass Public Shootings -
The findings from two separate reports released in the last month—one by the FBI and the other by progressive investigative media outlet Mother Jones—have been offered up as evidence that "mass shootings" are occurring more frequently than ever. The truth, however, is a little more complicated.

...Why does the Mother Jones list suffer from an underreporting problem that gets worse for the earlier cases? Due to a lack of detailed information about the search methodology used to compile the list, it's difficult to say with complete certainty. The most likely reason is that the Mother Jones list relied exclusively on news reports as a source of data, and news coverage tends to be less accessible for the older cases.

...But when we look at annual rates derived from the more complete dataset above, we see that only two of the 11 highest rates have occurred within the last eight years. Instead, six of the 11 highest rates were observed during the eight-year period between 1988 and 1995.

...Reducing the occurrence of mass public shootings is implicit to the debate over whether they have recently increased. Yet asking why mass public shootings have recently increased, even if only modestly since the mid-1990s, is the wrong question. Rather, what truly needs explaining is why the mass public shooting rate during the 1996-2006 period (an annual average of 1.00) was lower than at any time during the last 30 (or even 40) years.

Small Town Deploys ‘Military-Style Maneuvers’ to Collect 75-Year-Old Man’s Debt | Video |

Small Town Deploys ‘Military-Style Maneuvers’ to Collect 75-Year-Old Man’s Debt | Video |

"What do you do when a 75-year-old man owes you $86,000?

If you’re with the sheriff’s department in Marathon County, Wisconsin, you send in a SWAT team."

Now it all makes sense.

Lansing ballpark renovation project $3M over budget

Lansing ballpark renovation project $3M over budget
Renovations to downtown Lansing’s minor league ballpark will cost up to $3 million more than budgeted.
As a result, a project to outfit Cooley Law School Stadium — home to the Lansing Lugnuts — with new locker rooms, scoreboards, concessions areas and other upgrades will have to rely on more private funding and more money borrowed in bonds, Mayor Virg Bernero’s administration said today.
...The project initially was estimated at $22 million.
Lansing said it would issue up to $11 million in bonds to pay for most of the upgrades at the city-owned stadium.
But the lowest bids came back nearly $5 million above early cost estimates, Bernero’s office said.

Watch: This Guy Just Asked The One Question About Obama That Could Destroy The Democrats

Watch: This Guy Just Asked The One Question About Obama That Could Destroy The Democrats: "According to Riley, it was a slap in the face.

“What has [Obama and his party] done for blacks?”

“Why should blacks be enthusiastic about getting out to the polls to keep the president’s party in power?”
Riley expanded on that idea by noting the conditions blacks have seen since Obama took office.

“On another level, why should blacks be eager to run to the polls to support the Senate Democrats and Harry Reid? What have they done for blacks?"

Showing ID When Voting Should Be One of the Least Controversial Policies in the World

Showing ID When Voting Should Be One of the Least Controversial Policies in the World
That helps explain why 31 states have some form of voter-ID laws in effect. Some are stricter than others, but all send an important message: Voting is too important not to take fraud seriously. We need to make sure that when someone shows up to vote, he is who he says he is, and not someone else.
You’d think this would be the most noncontroversial thing in the world. Who could oppose voter-ID laws? Some fringe groups? A few, yes, but unfortunately, they’re joined by some people who ought to know better, such as U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder Jr., whose headquarters in Washington requires a photo ID to enter.

Video: What if Kids Talked Like Politicians? | Video |

Video: What if Kids Talked Like Politicians? | Video |

“What if 5-year-old boys talked like politicians?” That’s the question posed by the Des Moines Register’s Ken Fuson in an op-ed published Saturday."

DIY is in decline because today's men are too soft

DIY is in decline because today's men are too soft - Telegraph:
"Men were clamouring over themselves to be seen as anything but sexist.
But as we lost our rough edges and took on more of what had traditionally been regarded as female roles, no one really stopped to question whether equality for women came with a cost for masculinity. If everything overtly “masculine” is dismissed as sexist, what’s left of men is, arguably, sexless.
You see this behavioural androgyny everywhere, from the increasingly corporate and sterile football terraces to the Croc-wearing househusband on the school run.
In an age where we’re expected to Hoover, iron, change nappies, make a woman climax for four hours like Sting and cook like Jamie Oliver, old-fashioned pursuits like DIY have become quaint, self-indulgent and almost shameful.
The result is that many modern men are more like our mothers than our fathers, while the opposite is true for women, who are increasingly wearing the trousers.
Women decry us for not being able to wire a plug like our dads, but can – or would – they cook a cracking apple crumble like their mums?"